The Judiciary of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University will be held offline again on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. The Judicial Ceremony begins with the Opening; Singing Indonesia Raya; Prayer; Report of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning; Presentation of Awards as Best Graduate, Graduate with the Highest GPA, and Fastest Graduate of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University; impressions and messages from representatives of judiciary participants; speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University; photo session and giving congratulations; and cover. This Yudisium activity was attended by the Dean, Chair and Secretary of the Faculty Senate, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, Academic Advisors, Supervisors, Administrative Coordinators, Sub-Coordinators, as well as the 157th Candidate for Graduates of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University and accompanying guardian.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Ir. Gede Suarta, MSi., in his report conveyed the number of judiciary participants. "Ladies and gentlemen... we report that this period's judiciary was attended by 22 graduates of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry study program," he said.
The names of graduates of the Master of Animal Science Study Program are Annisa Nurjannah Widdyanto, S.Pt., Othniel, S.Pt., I Gede Darma Yasa, S.Pt., Suratul Wahyudi, S.Pt., Sendy Fajar Syach, S.Pt ., Ketut Wahyu Prassetia, S.Pt., Amirul Husen, S.Pt., I Kadek Arista Pradnyana, S.Pt., Ni Nengah Mira, S.Pt., Kezia Yoanda Priskila, S.Pt., Yehuda Abadi Setiawan Sihite, S.Pt., Listy Angeline Agita Kaban, S.Pt., Nia Audry F.S, S.Pt., Nurul Haiza, S.Pt., Silvy Mutiara Ramadhanti, S.Pt., Didimus Sukur Jehemat, S.Pt ., I Putu Idep Pratama, S.Pt., Jeinokto Tampubolon, S.Pt., Muhammad Rafi Subakat, S. Pt., Shokhib Mangku Buwono, S.Pt., Bimantara Decky Kurniawan, S.Pt., Irene Weldania Armanto, S.Pt. The lowest Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) for undergraduate graduates is 3.51; the highest is 3.86 with an average GPA of 3.70.
Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Udayana University Number B/1590/UN14.2.3/PK04.01/2023 dated 25 November 2023 concerning the Implementation of the Judicial Examination of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, the best graduate in this period's judiciary is the Best Graduate and at the same time the graduate with the Highest GPA is Annisa Nurjannah Widdyanto, S.Pt. with a GPA of 3.86, the graduate predicate is Very Satisfactory. Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng., in her speech stated that she appreciated the entire committee because the judiciary event could run well. Apart from that, he also conveyed a message to the graduates "Congratulations on your achievements today, but you should not be satisfied there. "You must continue to improve yourself, to be better than now," said Dr. Warmadewi. The judiciary event then closed with a group photo session and congratulations from the Dean and other guests.