The Judiciary of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University was held offline again on Thursday, June 27 2024. The Judiciary event began with the Opening; Singing Indonesia Raya; Prayer; Report of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning; Presentation of Awards as Best Graduates, Graduates with the Highest GPA, and Graduates who hold the title With Commendations for the Master's and Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University; impressions and messages from representatives of judiciary participants; speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University; photo session and giving congratulations; and cover. This Yudisium activity was attended by the Dean and also invited the Chair and Secretary of the Faculty Senate, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, Academic Advisors, Supervisors, Administrative Coordinators, Sub-Coordinators, and Prospective Graduates of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University 160th and accompanying Guardian.

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Ir. Gede Suarta, M.Si., in his report said that "This period's judicial event was attended by 21 graduates, consisting of 2 graduates of the Master of Animal Science Study Program and 19 graduates of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program. The names of graduates of the Master's Study Program Animal Science, namely Anak Agung Ayu Adinda Savitrie Suamba, S.Pt., M.Pt and Nyoman Pande Aryanti, S.Pt., M.Pt. Meanwhile, graduates of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program are: I Wayan Puspa Yoga, S.Pt ., Afridoy Purba, S.Pt., Mariani Marito Nababan, S.Pt., Riska Ameliya, S.Pt., Rena Triana Br Sembiring, S.Pt., I Gede Adit Puspa Dantayasa, S.Pt., I Wayan Dicky Pramana Putra, S.Pt., Ni Ketut Candra Agustina, S.Pt., Ni Luh Intan Cahyani, S.Pt., Ni Kadek Asti Dwi Cahyani, S.Pt., Iin Marsella Br Sembiring, S.Pt., Ni Kadek Sinta Pramesti Mahayani, S.Pt., Ledy Mariana Purba Tambak, S.Pt., Ni Kadek Nata Afriani, S.Pt., Arif Rahman, S.Pt., I Made Febri Surya Saputra, S.Pt., Kurniawan Nurdiansah, S.Pt., Ferdy Devidson Anabokay, S.Pt., and Irene Theresia Wargan-angin, S.Pt. The average GPA of graduates for the Master of Animal Science Study Program is 4.00 and graduates of the Bachelor of Animal Science Study Program is 3.82.

Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Udayana University Number 818/UN14/HK/2024 dated 5 June 2024 concerning the Implementation of the Judicial Examination of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at Udayana University, the best graduate for the Master of Animal Science Study Program was achieved by Anak Agung Ayu Adinda Savitrie Suamba, S.Pt., M.Pt ., with a GPA of 4.00 and the title of graduate with Distinction. Meanwhile, for the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program, the best graduate was Ni Kadek Sinta Pramesti Mahayani, S.Pt., with a GPA of 3.95 and a graduate with Commendation. 

Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Si., IPM., ASEAN Eng., in her speech expressed her great appreciation to the entire committee because the judiciary event could run well. Apart from that, he also conveyed a message to the graduates that "This graduation is a provision for the beginning of the graduates' journey into a new world, both to continue the career they already have or start a career as well as starting a business and opening up employment opportunities. Hopefully the knowledge received during education at both master's and bachelor's levels can be used wisely and meaningfully to be applied to the wider community. "We hope that our graduates will always remember their alma mater and can take the time if in the future they are asked to complete a tracer study as a faculty track record for graduates who currently hold the title of alumni." The judiciary event then closed with a group photo session and congratulations from the Dean and other guests. This judicial event was also broadcast live by Udayana TV at the link https://youtu.be/eqktLJ4Ukaw?si=hjM8EoGyCB8WwS6G