Animal Husbandry Undergraduate Study Program Returns Teaching Practitioner Degree for PBM
Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Undergraduate Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University again held a Teaching Practitioner program to fill the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) in the classroom in order to support the implementation of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM). For the second day, there were 2 practitioners who filled in, namely Putu Novi Gariri, S.Pt from BPTU Denpasar on "Subjective Evaluation of Male and Female Bali Cattle" for the Livestock Inspection Science course (Smt III) with the Coordinator of the Court: Dr.Ir.Ni Luh Putu Sriyani, S.Pt.MP.IPM. ASEAN Eng. As well as the second practitioner Drh. Ngakan Putu Oka Susanta, MSi from the UPTD Center for Artificial Insemination of Livestock Breeding and Forage for Animal Feed in Bali Province on "Marketing Strategies for frozen semen for Bali cattle" for the Animal Husbandry Economics course (Smt I) with the Coordinator of the Court: I Wayan Sukanata, S.Pt., M.Si.
The teaching practitioner program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia is a program that encourages active collaboration of practitioners and lecturers in order to create in-depth knowledge and expertise exchange between the academic community at universities and so that graduates can be more prepared and professional in the world of work. . This Teaching Practitioner Program supports the achievement of IKU 4 (Teaching Practitioners on Campus) and IKU 7 (Collaborative and Participatory Classes). Collaboration is carried out in courses delivered in classrooms, both offline and online.