Sunday, October 30, 2022. The Student Family Student Executive Board (BEM-KM) of the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University held a Self-help event for the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University 2022, located in Babahan Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Implementation of offline activities by complying with health protocols. This activity was opened directly by the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unud, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP and attended by the Chairman of the Dwi Mekar Farmer's Group in Babahan village (I Made Kustika), the chairman of BEM, the chairman of the DPM and members of the farmer group in the village of Babahan.

This activity took the theme "Spreading Benefit for Breeders with Training on Silage Making and Introduction to the Three Strata System". Where the purpose of this activity is to introduce silage technology and the introduction of three strata system technology to group members. Presenting 2 speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suarna, MS conveyed about the Three Strata System (STS) and Dr. Ir. Anak Agung Ayu Sri Trisnadewi, M.P on silage. In the presentation of the material Prof. Suarna said "that Babahan village does not experience problems regarding forage feed, but knowledge about STS is very important for group members as an effort to identify the types of forage needed in an STS" he explained.

For the second session Dr. Ir. Anak Agung Ayu Sri Trisnadewi, M.P after presenting the material, he immediately carried out direct practice related to silage making. At the end of the activity, certificates were given to both speakers.