Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud "Benchmarking" to Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB, Preparation for Implementation of Permendikbudristek no. 53 in 2023
In preparation for the implementation of Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (Fapet Unud), a "benchmarking" or comparison visit was carried out to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University (Fapet UB) (Wednesday, 31 July 2024). The delegation from Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud led by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. Ir. Gede Suarta, MSi., IPM. along with the Coordinator of the Animal Science Study Program (S3) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Nyoman Suryani, M.Si., and Coordinator of the Animal Science Study Program (S2) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Siti, M.Sc. The Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB received a direct visit, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Halim Natsir, S.Pt., MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng., accompanied by Deputy Dean 1 Ir. Rizki Prafitri, S.Pt., MA., Ph.D., Head of Master's Study Program Dr. Ir. Marjuki, M.Sc and Head of Doctoral Study Program Prof. Dr. Ir. Osfar Sjofjan, M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN Eng.
This visit aims to increase understanding of the policies contained in the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Regulation Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which changes the national standards for higher education and the higher education accreditation system which were previously considered rigid and detailed to better respond to the challenges and needs of the times. So that later it can be implemented at Fapet Unud.