Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud Holds Public Lecture, Increasing Knowledge About the Potential of Moringa Leaves as an Ingredient for Ruminant Animal Feed
The potential of Moringa Leaves as a Ruminant Animal Feed Ingredient was the theme of a public lecture held by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (Friday, 21 June 2024), at the AA Building, 3rd Floor, Fapet Unud, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This public lecture activity aims to increase students' insight into the potential of Moringa leaves as a feed ingredient for ruminant livestock. To support this, Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud invited a resource person who was qualified in his field, namely Mr. Dr. Ir. Nursyam Andi Syarifuddin, M.P. (Koprodi Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University) and as moderator Ni Made Ari Kusumadewi, S.Pt., M.Sc. This event was opened directly by the Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Si., IPM., ASEAN Eng. and attended by Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, representatives of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level students within the Unud Faculty of Animal Husbandry.
In his speech, the Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud said that "So today we will gain additional knowledge and knowledge related to Moringa leaves. This is very interesting because in Bali there are lots of Moringa leaves, so they can be used for many things, including animal feed. Research results from lecturers at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry also utilize the potential of Moringa leaves. "So with this very interesting material, later we can increase our knowledge and then we can collaborate if there is research that we can collaborate on," said Dr Warmadewi. After the presentation continued with discussion activities. This public lecture event ended with the presentation of certificates to the speakers.