Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud Signs the Minutes of PKS and Student Monitoring and Evaluation of PKKM Internships at BBIB Singosari Malang
Thursday, November 10 2022. The Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (Fapet Unud) signed the minutes of the implementation arrangement with the Singosari Malang Center for Artificial Insemination (BBIB). Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs and Planning, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM and the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program, Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Putu Sriyani, S.Pt., M.P., IPM., ASEAN Eng. received directly by the Head of Center for Artificial Insemination (BBIB) Singosari Malang Dr. drh Kresno Suharto, M.P. along with the ranks. There were 2 signed cooperation minutes, namely about fieldwork/industrial internship activities which were attended by 5 students, and the Artificial Insemination Technical Guidance Program PKKM Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program attended by 10 students. After the signing ceremony, it was continued by giving mementos to BBIB Singosari Malang. The visit to BBIB Singosari apart from signing the minutes also carried out Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) activities for Industrial Internship Students for the PKKM program at BBIB Singosari Malang. Where the purpose of conducting monitoring and evaluation is to see the extent of progress and assess the performance of the internship activities that have been carried out by students at the internship.