Increase Knowledge of Breeders in Handling PMK, BEM-KM FAPET UNUD Holds Service in Babahan Tabanan Village
Sunday, October 16, 2022. The Student Family Student Executive Board (BEM-KM) of the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University held a Service event, located in Babahan Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Implementation of offline activities by complying with health protocols. The event was opened by the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unud, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP and attended by the head of the Babahan village (I Made Sukapariana, SE), the Dwi Mekar Sipadu 659 Farmers Group (I Made Kustika), the Principal of SD 1 Babahan, the regional heads, the subak babahan and farmers in the Babahan village environment.
The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge transfer to the farming community in Babahan Village. This service is a series of events from the Assisted Village program owned by BEM-KM Fapet Unud for 2022. It is a student service in the Implementation of Animal Science and Technology to support the development of Babahan Village. The forms of assistance carried out include Socialization of PMK, Socialization of Livestock Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Bhakti Fapet, and Animal Husbandry Education. This mentoring activity will last for 1.5 months.
In his report, the chairman of the activity committee said that this activity was carried out in an effort to increase the knowledge of farmers in handling PMK. The head of BEM, represented by Yoga, in his speech stated that this assisted village activity is the main service activity of BEM in an effort to increase public knowledge about PMK.
The village head of Babahan really welcomes this service activity and has chosen Babahan Village as the assisted village. “We are very grateful for the choice of our village as the assisted village. Hopefully all the programs implemented can be useful for the community in Babahan village,” said Sukapariana. In this service activity, a resource person, namely Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Gde Sumardani, S.Pt., M.Si who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Udayana University with the topic of discussion on Cattle and Pig Cattle Management Amid an Outbreak of Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD). Babahan village is one of the livestock centers in Tabanan, where there are 600 cows in this village, so the socialization of PMK is very relevant, even though there are zero cases, prevention of PMK is important through the socialization of PMK management. Likewise, the socialization of the science of livestock reproduction and artificial insemination is very much needed by the farming community, as well as early education in the field of animal husbandry is very urgent in an effort to introduce as early as possible about world of animal husbandry. This village assistance activity starts from October 16 to November 25, 2022.