"Made Wirapartha Holds Open Examination: Dissertation Discusses Feed Formula to Optimize Lovebird Performance"
The Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, has again produced its 68th Doctor in the field of Animal Science, Made Wirapartha is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, through an open doctoral promotion examination led by the Chair of the Session, Prof. Dr. Ir. G. A. Mayani Kristina Dewi, M.S., IPU., ASEAN Eng., (Friday, December 27, 2024).
The Promoter Team consists of Prof. Dr. Ir. G. A. Mayani Kristina Dewi, M.S., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Mahardika, MS., M.S., and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Nuriyasa, M.S. Presenting 5 supporting lecturers and 4 invited academic lecturers. The dissertation that was successfully defended was entitled "Study of Various Feed Formulas to Improve Lovebird (Agapornis spp.) Performance". From the results of the dissertation research, a novelty was obtained: "The appropriate feed formula for the needs of lovebirds aged 2-6 weeks was found consisting of 38.8% white millet, 25% Nutribird A2, 16.3% soybeans, 11% green beans, 6% Bimoli coconut oil, 1% CP Bravo, 1% yellow cracked corn, 0.7% Mineral B12 and 0.2% Masamix Bro where the price is 70.22% cheaper than Nutribird A21 (imported feed)" explained Wirapartha. The purpose of the research conducted was to study the physical and chemical quality of the lovebird feed formula used in this study; study the performance of lovebirds given different feed formulas; study the feed formula to determine the energy and protein requirements for basic life, growth, total energy and protein requirements of lovebirds and to find out how much metabolic energy (ME ration) and crude protein are needed for lovebird rations aged 2-6 weeks; study the price of lovebird feed formulas.