Morning Call (Virtual) Fapet Unud (Monday, 18 July 2022)
The Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University held a virtual morning call which took place online through the Webex Meeting application, Monday 18 July 2022. Ceremony supervisor for the Vice Dean II of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr.Ir. Budi Rahayu Tanama Putri, S.Pt., MM, IPU, ASEAN Eng. and attended by the Vice Deans, Chairs and Secretaries of the Senate, Ko Study Programs, Co Units, Heads of Laboratories or Farms, Administrative Coordinators, Sub Coordinators, lecturers, and staff within the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University. Instructions were given by the Ceremony Trustees, especially regarding the achievements of the IKU faculties in the fields of HR and Finance, including: 1) About lecturers who carry out Tri Darma activities outside the campus as practitioners in government institutions and in DUDI then research results used by the community or DUDI, award and other activities both on a national and international scale with various requirements of the institutions where we perform which have been regulated in the KPI guidelines; 2) Guidance on rules regarding human resources that are permissible and legal to perform and practice engineering, including the implementation of Tri Dharma for lecturers as regulated in Law no. 11 of 2014 concerning engineering. The livestock sector is a biological engineering engineer who already has a BKT (Vocational Agency for Animal Husbandry Engineering) headquartered at UGM. Therefore, lecturers are requested to immediately improve their competence; 3) Lecturers as supervisors for outstanding students at national events for this reason, the faculty has prepared funds for PKM in five fields; 4) Collaborating with other institutions related to the percentage of non-UKT faculty funds, there have been many collaborations in the academic field as well as for collaboration in the field of research and service so that there are rupiah funds in non-UKT funds; 5) All activities carried out must be carried out with the permission of the leadership with all documents and legalities in accordance with applicable regulations, so that later their performance can be used as lecturers and IKU performance achievements.