Morning Call (Virtual) Fapet Unud (Monday, 27 June 2022)

The Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, held a Virtual Call which took place online through the Webex Meeting application, Monday 27 June 2022. The supervisor of the Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. Budi Rahayu Tanama Putri, S.Pt., MM., IPU., ASEAN Eng., and attended by the Deputy Deans, Chair and Secretary of the Senate, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, Heads of Laboratory or Farm, Administrative Coordinators, the Sub-Coordinators, lecturers, and employees in the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University. Instructions were given by the Ceremony Trustees, including: 1) Information on the realization of the PNBP budget; 2) Remind again for lecturers to document all financial documents and bind them in reports so as to facilitate inspection; 3) Remind again to lecturers and education staff to report all performances of Tri Dharma outside PT. through the google form that has been shared, this greatly affects the Faculty's IKU.; 4) It was also stated that at the end of the month, 12 pigs would be re-introduced at the Bukit farm and they were welcome to be used as well as other livestock and feed crops, thereby increasing the academic atmosphere in Fapet in particular.