Morning Call (Virtual) Fapet Unud (Monday, 4 July 2022)
The Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University holds a Virtual Call which takes place online through the Webex Meeting application, Monday 4 July 2022. The supervisor of the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information at the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., M.P. employees in the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University. Guidance was given by the Ceremony Trustees, especially relating to student affairs, including: 1) Giving appreciation to P2MW students and supervisors, because of the 21 proposed proposals, there was 1 proposal that passed the faculty to be submitted to Dikti through Unud: 2) Activities in New student admissions, known as Student Day, are no longer held, but the entire series of activities will be 1 with PKKMB (name change); 3) Appreciation to the Pokja PKKM team that has successfully passed this year's funding, so the faculty hopes that the Academic Advisors will prepare to increase the number of students who take part in regular and independent internships; 4) Preparation of an exchange delegation of 35 UGM-UNUD students and asking for assistance from the Academic Supervisor to explain this program to the students under his guidance; and 5) It is necessary to pay attention and be reminded again to students who carry out activities in CH to immediately submit a final Activity Report to the CH manager. Again, I was reminded that the support, enthusiasm, assistance, and performance of Mr. and Mrs. lecturers are very much needed to improve the quality of student activities at Fapet Unud.