The 4th International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability

Extended Abstract Submission until September 30 2024

Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Halu Oleo University collaborated with Andalas University and Udayana University invite you to The 4th International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability (ICAPFS-4) with the theme of "Technological Innovation of Animal Production and Green Agro-Industry for Food Sustainability". Our esteemed Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F, S.Si, M.Si, M.Sc (Chancellor of Halu Oleo University

Welcome Speech: Dr. Ir. Ali Bain, M.Si, IPU, ASEAN Eng (Dean of Animal Husbandry Faculty, Halu Oleo University)

The Conference will be held at:

Date : 5 - 7 November 2024

Place: Claro Hotel, Kendari, Indonesia

Please submit your registration at: 

See you at Kendari

Contact person:

+62 822 6094 1392 (Asma Bio Kimestri, S.Pt, M.Sc)

+62 812 6744 736 (Dr. Indri Juliyarsi, S.Pt, MP

+62 878 6227 5751 (Ni Made Ari Kusuma Dewi, S.Pt, M.Sc)