Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud Holds Monthly Seminar with the Theme "Strategy to Accelerate Graduation on Time, Quality and Dignity"
The Monthly Seminar on the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at Udayana University has been held with the theme "Strategy to Accelerate Graduation on Time, Quality and Dignity". Wednesday, July 26, 2023. Implementation of offline activities in compliance with health protocols, starting at 09.00 WITA, at the AA Building Lt. 3 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This event was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, MS., IPU., ASEAN Eng. and also attended by Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Lecturers, and students in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University.
The Head of the Committee in his speech explained why the theme of this monthly seminar was chosen. "We raised this theme because it is very important because it also has a great influence on our faculties in the future. This acceleration of graduation means that later students are required to be able to fulfill graduation on time so it does not exceed the maximum time set. said Dr. Trisnadewi.
This monthly seminar invited 2 presenters, namely Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, M.Si, IPM., ASEAN Eng., with the topic presented, namely the Strategy to Accelerate Graduation on Time at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University. Meanwhile, the second speaker was the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry Study Program (S1) Fapet Unud Dr. Ni Luh Putu Sriyani, S.Pt., MP, IPM., ASEAN Eng., who delivered material on the Implementation of the MBKM Program at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry to Support Accelerated Graduation on Time with moderator Dr. Ir. Anak Agung Ayu Sri Trisnadewi, MP. After the delivery of the material was carried out, the event then continued with a discussion session, handing over certificates to resource persons and moderators. The event ended with a group photo and a closing by the host.