Promotion of Fapet Unud, Visit Schools in Negara and Banyuwangi
The Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (Fapet Unud) held socialization activities at several high schools and vocational schools in the Negara and Banyuwangi districts. This activity was carried out for 10 days (17-26 January 2024), and the Fapet Unud socialization team was led by Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP. along with the Socialization Committee to SMA Fapet Unud Dinda Hanindia Kusuma Widjaja, S.Pt. MP., I Gusti Ngurah Budi Raharja, S.Pt., M.Pt., I Made Novi Artawan, SE., I Made Juna Hermawan, S.Pt.
Chairman of the Socialization Committee to SMA Fapet Unud Mr. Dinda Hanindia Kusuma Widjaja, S.Pt. M.P. said that the schools that were successfully visited included SMAN 1 Negara, SMAN 3 Negara, SMA Al-Mutaqin, SMKN 2 Negara, and SMA Firdaus in Negara Regency. Meanwhile, high schools in Banyuwangi Regency that were successfully visited included SMKN 2 Tegalsari, SMAN 1 Cluring, and SMKN Kalibaru in Banyuwangi Regency.
"This activity aims to introduce prospective new students to be interested in choosing and studying at Fapet Unud. "The hope is that through this activity the number of Fapet Unud students from Negara and Banyuwangi districts can increase," he concluded. He continued, that this socialization also aims to increase the interest of students who are constrained by tuition fees by informing us that the government has provided facilities in the form of KIP-College scholarships, which is one solution for students who feel unable to continue their education at university. The material presented also explains the PTN entrance selection system and tips for choosing a study program at PTN.