Coinciding with Rahina Purnama Sasih Sadha, Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Udayana University held Piodalan at Farm Sesetan
Today coincides with Rahina Purnama Sasih Sadha and Tumpek Landep Day, a Piodalan is held in the Sesetan Farm/Laboratory area, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Saturday (3 June 2023). The event was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. Ir. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng, Head of Sesetan Farm, lecturers, staff and students within the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University.
On the full moon day, Hindus carry out prayers as a form of yadnya or a request to Sang Hyang Chandra to be able to melt away all the filth of sins (mala) committed by humans during their lifetime so that they will become clean again. God in his manifestation as Sang Hyang Chandra does yoga or meditates on the full moon day so that Hindus also celebrate it through a series of prayers to purify themselves physically and mentally. Pure inwardly and outwardly means that it is not only the cleanliness of visible things that needs to be maintained, but that the soul, thoughts, words, and deeds that are holy must also always be applied to achieve true happiness. The symbolization of this cleansing is done by sprinkling holy water or tirta before praying. Hindus believe in the concept of karmaphala, where one's birth in the world is inseparable from the influence of one's past actions. By being reborn into the world, humans have a mission to atone for the sins they have committed. These sins are called dirt or mala which must be cleaned physically and spiritually on the full moon day.
Piodalan core activities last for approximately 3 hours, from 09.00 to 12.00 WITA. Nevertheless, in the morning at around 07.00 WITA several employees were seen busy preparing the facilities and infrastructure for the smooth running of the event. From the beginning of preparation to the end of the event, Dewa Yadnya's activities were able to run smoothly without significant obstacles or obstacles.